Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all my kengkawan..
This is my first attemp to write a blog...hmm..betul ke ni??azwa..can u write n be istiqomah in writing??hahaha..we'll see it later..but hopefully la kan insan bernama nor azwa ni not just hangat2 tahi ayam all my friend..plz support me..especially kak hani coz u're the one yg pengaruh2 I all my ofismate..SPSO(hehehe)...let us write whatever we feel in this medium that we can decrease our gosip2 ok...(that one is berdosa huhu..ya ALLAH ampuni daku)...
Today daku menanti my darling hubby come back from outstation....aiyoooo abg..plz laa jgn outstation slalu..ur son rindulaa( not me hahaha)
Ok...thats all..tgu je laa my next post fot those yg menunggu laa yer..
Bilik Baru Di Pejabat
13 tahun yang lalu
owh kak azwa..daku tidak bermaksud untuk meng'influence diri mu..hahaha..moga berjaya dlm arena ini yaaa...majulah blog utk diri mu..hahahahaha