Salam to all is friday:) when it comes to rasenye..hari ni daku n opismate lunch di rumah esah 50 sen;)..daku masakkan ayam masak merah..pagi2 bute dah ku siapkan n tak kulupakan utk mr. husband...n the rest menu esah yg masak..gulai lemak cili api ayam ..sayur buncis gorg..ikan masin....sodap botui gulai lomak ayam si esah nih...then ade gak cheese n chocolate cake for the birthday girl...kakchik..hepi besday to u..may ALLAH bless u..n grant u with hepinesss all the way in ur life...n kakchik..plz dont be sad anymore ok...just focus on the new skill of the programming..i know u can do it..lets us prove it..insyaALLAH...n also for the other team mate of DH development team...kak hani n aini...
p/s: hehehehe kami mmg suke kan aktiviti makan2 nih
keje as usual cari solution utk coding...psl oracle dah takyah pk coz ade vendor yg akan kasi training on data replication from oracle to mysql..yeahooo...alhamdulillah syukur pdMU ya ALLAH kerana meringankan bebanku itu...after lunch hour yg pnjg hr ni..mood utk menyambung keje sdh hilang...I miss my yayang bubu...camne laa amir di nursery hr ni...seem like he start to more nangis2 when i leave a good boy..ibu always pray 4 u...whenever ibu leave u there...ibu leave u to ALLAH..n ibu knows that ALLAH will always with u...ALLAH will always take care of u more than ibu do...ok..tgu ibu yer ptg ni..kte main kt playground ngn skali ngan abah..ibu u so much...
Tomorrow is my SIL's wedding...and my husband must be a wali for her...Selamat Pengantin Baru Indriyanni Ardianto...moga hidup bahagia dunia akhirat...
ola..baru berksempatan ni nk mengomen..ari jumaat itu daku mkn ayam yg terlalu byk..daku rasa..ayam msk merah n lemak kuning sggh enak..loga leh isi perut..tima kasih kak azwa n kak aisyah..huhu..len kali wat lg tau..ekeke